March 2016

6th SMILE Partner Meeting

We attended the 6th SMILE partner meeting in Naples (Italy), which was productive and effective. During the meeting various technical issues were discussed as well as issues regarding national meetings and outcomes dissemination. National meetings are going to be held in each partner country during upcoming months.


January 2016

Situational analysis report was completed. SMILE partners will complete its translation to 15 European languages.


October 2015

5th SMILE partner meeting was held on 15-16 October in Heidelberg, Germany. 4 Workshops took place during the meeting regarding language learning for: a) labor market, b) disadvantage people, c) specific economic sectors και d) educational sector. Partners discussed on opportunities and challenges for accommodation of LWUTLs in the sectors concerned and on dissemination and exploitation of results, and networking opportunities



September 2015

SMILE partners completed Country Overviews for each of 15 EU countries participating on the program.

    Country Overview: Greece


June 2015

The partners selected good practices and methodologies for promotion of linguistic diversity and LWUTLs. Over 300 good practices covering 34 countries and 46 languages are available on the project website

    Newsletter 2


April 2014

The SMILE network consists of 20 partner organizations from 15 European countries. SMILE partners discuss and exchange ideas on current national and European policies in the field of language learning and perform a research on existing good practices and methodologies for promotion of less widely used and taught languages.

    Newsletter 1


March 2014

ECO-CONSULTANTS S.A. participates in the 3-year European Program Network for Social and Market Inclusion through Language Education co-financed by the European Commission within Lifelong Learning Program.

    SMILE Leaflet