Smile network, goals and outcomes were presented at the Conference, organized by our company and hosted by the Municipality of Papagos - Cholargos. The event took place on Wednesday 5th, October, at 17.30-21.00 at Melina Merkouri Hall, City Hall of Papagos - Cholargos.

Mrs Katerina Zannaki, President and Managing Director of our company, welcomed the event, as well as Mr Ilias Apostolopoulos, the Mayor of Papagos - Cholargos.

Of particular interest were the presentations of best practices referred to the use of songs, internet and mobile phone applications as means of teaching Less WIdely Used and Taught Languages (LWUTL's), such as Greek.

The Cοnference was attained by representatives of The Greek Language Centre, the official state body responsible for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek, the Hellenic - American Union, the official examination centre for the examinations for the Certificate of Attainment in Greek, the shcool ''Alexander the great'', the company Action Synergy S.A. and Lexi-Logos language learning cetre, who all made significant contributions with their speeches and demonstration of best practices for language learning.

The presentations were followed by a fruitful discussion on methods, experiences and problems regarding learning Greek as foreign language.

The conference was well-attained and overall successfully organized.