In November 2015, we finished the major part of our contract with DEVELOPMENTAL COMPANY OF KORINOS BEACH REAL ESTATE "OLYMPIADA", regarding studies for the construction and operation of "Olympiada" housing state located on the coastal zone of Korinos, Katerini Municipality.
In particular, we have completed the following studies :

  • Study for the extension of vegetation and land restoration in areas around Olympiada estate that fall within protected area (SPA).
  • Technical Environmental Study for the accesses to the coastal zone of Olympiada estate.
  • Dune delimitation and protection study.
  • Sitting and construction study for bird observatory in Olympiada estate.
  • Sitting and description of direction and informative signs about the main natural environmental features in the vicinity of Olimpiada estate.
  • Study for the selection of bike and trekking thematic routes in the surrounding area of Olimpiada estate.
  • Sitting and prescriptions of Environmental Information Centre.

The completion of avifauna monitoring program is pending.